Contact me!

Bellow are the means you can contact me:

You can find me:

Although I can be found on several forums I rarely check them, so I may not answer.

A few people have found me on Discord. If you happen to send me a direct message there, please make sure you have not blocked those incoming from "non friends" otherwise I wont be able to answer.

My profile can be found here .

My profile can be found here


My real name is Yuri Sarudiansky and I'm a computer engineer.

Because of my passion for gaming I have dedicated a lot of my time to learn how to actually create my own games. I did have some sort of a "pause" in game development when I worked for a research lab, developing an application for them. I can't get into much details (due to non disclosure agreement) other than it is meant to process big protein databases (yes, I know, very different from game development).

Due to an unfortunate series of events I have lost almost all of my work back in January 2017. In short, main HDD failed and shortly after, before the replacement arrived, the backup HDD also failed. Yes, I know, I should have taken some more strict backing-up procedures, lesson learned.

After some time without knowing exactly what to do, I decided to create this web page which also means I had/have to relearn HTML/JavaScript and learn CSS.

Currently I'm out of job and trying to pursue my dream of creating games for a living.

The Site

This static web site was originally generated by metalsmith . However, after a few NodeJS updates (and packages) the build process completely broke. After spending a reasonable amount of time trying to fix and only making things worse I simply gave up and decided to move on to a new technology. That was Nuxt , which is a framework on top of VueJS framework. Yes, a framework on top of a framework! Then, out of the blue, the build process simply started to fail. No updates to NodeJS or any package whatsoever. Because I was not entirely happy with a few aspects of the resulting build, I decided to move yet again. Now this site is built with Astro .

Bellow is the list of the additional packages I installed in order to build this page:

I deliberately decided to not use any cookies in this web site. When I moved to Nuxt I lost a little bit of control over the output and wasn't sure what was happening under the hood. With Astro I regained almost full control over the output and know that no cookies are used. A single key-pair is used in the local storage if a theme is explicitly selected, otherwise the page will take the preference from the operating system settings and said key-pair will not be used.

If you are curious to know which packages I have used when building this page with Nuxt, expand the contents bellow:

And if you are curious to know which packages I have used when the site was built with Metalsmith, expand the contents bellow:

If you are curious to know which packages I have used with the previous generation tool chain, expand the contents bellow, which contains the list.